You don't want to miss this chance to see Circles in action as a CBS crew follows the story of an Ohio Circles Leader as she gets a new job, connects with a Circles Ally and attends a weekly Circles meeting. This story is launching the Circles Campaign onto the national media spotlight, just on the heels of great coverage of Circles and Move the Mountain's CEO Scott Miller in the Huffington Post.
Many Circle Communities are using this exciting opportunity to reach out to their local media to keep spreading the good news about Circles and our movement to resolve poverty.
After the CBS Evening News, please visit our Facebook pages to post your comments and local stories and coverage for all of us to see that we are part of a national movement that is gaining momentum.
CBS Evening News
Thursday, Sept 1 6:30 pm EST (check local listings as air times vary. We'll keep you posted if the air date is postponed)
Please visit the Facebook National Circles Campaign and Facebook Move the Mountain Leadership Center and post your comments, local stories and local coverage.