The April edition of This Month in Lambton includes:
- A message from Warden Bill Weber
- COVID-19 Resources from Lambton County
- Online resources from Lambton County Library
- A COVID-19 update from the Social Services Division
- A look ahead at upcoming Council and Committee meetings
A Message from Lambton County Warden Bill Weber
To All Lambton County Residents:
I would like to extend my sincere thanks and gratitude for all you have been doing during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is not an easy time. It is difficult, stressful and rapidly changing.
While we may not know what the future holds or when we will be able to return to our normal lives, what we do know is that the actions of our community as a whole are making a positive impact in the fight against COVID-19.
The kindness and generosity that has been shown by many has not gone unnoticed, and the ingenuity of our community never ceases to amaze me. We are blessed to have such hardworking, forward-thinking residents that have been able to take out-of-the-box ideas and put them into action.
I would also like to extend my thanks on behalf of the community to all of our essential service workers that are keeping our community safe and healthy during this pandemic and providing us with the services and utilities needed during this trying time. Your hard work is appreciated by us all.
Moving forward, it is important that we continue to take proper precautions by practicing physical distancing, washing your hands and following the directions provided by our health officials.
You can find up-to-date COVID-19 information on the Lambton Public Health website, lambtonpublichealth.ca, and the Province of Ontario website, ontario.ca. The County of Lambton has developed a list of financial supports and other resources that you may be looking for during this time, which you can find at lambtononline.ca/covid-19.
I ask everyone to continue practicing physical distancing and following directions from health officials so we can beat this virus. We will get through this, together.
Be safe, be kind and stay home.
Bill Weber
Lambton County Warden
Lambton County COVID-19 Information
The most up to date COVID-19 information can be found on the Lambton Public Health website, lambtonpublichealth.ca. Information available includes details on COVID-19 and its symptoms, what to do if you think you have COVID-19, and information and guidance for workplaces, municipalities, healthcare providers, community supports, parents and caregivers.
Lambton Public Health also has data displayed in a community snapshot section of their website. This section provides a summary of cases confirmed over time, geographic distribution of positive cases and age distribution of positive cases, among other items.
The County of Lambton has compiled a list of financial supports and other resources you may be looking for during the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit lambtononline.ca/covid-19 to access the list of resources. Topics include mental health and wellness resources, employment services, social services relating to income, shelter and food, economic development supports, and more.
County facilities are operating in a required services model during the pandemic, with many facilities closed or restricting public access. We encourage you to call ahead before visiting any County facility in person. Where possible, please try to conduct any business through phone or email to limit in-person interactions.
Online Resources from Lambton County Library
Get ready to discover whole new worlds from the comfort of your favourite chair at home! Browse Lambton County Library's brand new website at www.lclibrary.ca to access free eAudiobooks, eBooks, online learning courses, movies, TV shows, music and more!
For technical assistance with Lambton County Library's eServices, please call 519-845-3324 extension 5266, or email librarytechhelp@county-lambton.on.ca.
COVID-19 Resources from the Social Services Division
Social services are available during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Staff in the Social Services division, which includes Housing Services, Ontario Works and Homelessness Prevention and Children's Services, are ready and able to provide assistance to anyone that needs it.
If you or someone you know is in receipt of social assistance (ODSP or Ontario Works) and requires food, please contact the Inn of the Good Shepherd at 519-344-1746 or the food bank in your community.
If you or someone you know is not in receipt of social assistance and has no income or low income (even if you have an Employment Insurance claim pending), please call or email the Social Services division at 519-344-2057 or socialservices@county-lambton.on.ca. You may qualify for emergency assistance.
Looking Ahead
9:00 a.m., May 6, 2020 - Lambton County Council
9 a.m. & 11 a.m., May 20, 2020 - Committee A.M. & Committee P.M.
Agendas for past and present Committee and Council meetings are available online on the Council & Committee Agendas, Reports & Minutes page. Open Sessions of Lambton County Council and Committee meetings are streamed live and are available for archival viewing for a period of one year by clicking on the Streamed Council Meetings tab on the County website home page.
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