The August edition of This Month in Lambton includes the following news, service updates, programs and events:
- Cultural Services Facilities Preparing to Reopen Safely
- HHW Collection Events
- Lambton Renovates Applications
- Access Newspapers and Magazines with PressReader
- Learn Online Through Lambton County Library
- cloudLibrary
- 72 Hour Emergency Supply Kit
- Fun in the Sun Digital Panel Presentation
- Share Your COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences
- Lakeshore Road Construction Update
Cultural Services Facilities Preparing to Reopen Safely
Lambton County is preparing for limited public access and additional services at its libraries, museums, gallery and archives beginning in September.
Although these spaces and interactions will look very different to enable physical distancing, every effort has been made to ensure visits to these cultural facilities are a safe and enjoyable experience for all. COVID-19 safety planning at cultural facilities includes the following:
- Library, museum, gallery and archives hours of operation, services offered and capacity are limited to ensure enhanced safety and cleaning protocols, including enhanced cleaning and disinfecting of equipment and high-touch surfaces.
- New processes for recording each visitor’s name and contact information will be in place at all cultural facilities to support effective contact tracing.
- All visitors are requested to wear a face covering or non-medical mask, as physical distancing can be a challenge in certain areas of some cultural facilities. Visitors must comply with mandatory masking bylaws in municipalities where one exists, such as the City of Sarnia and the Town of Petrolia, and must wear a face covering or non-medical mask (unless exempted as outlined in these bylaws). All cultural services staff will also be required to wear a mask in areas accessible to the public.
- Visitors are asked to respect physical distancing by maintaining 2 metres distance from others at all times while visiting cultural facilities.
- Upon booking an appointment, all visitors will be asked to self-monitor symptoms before entering any cultural facility, and must visit at another time if feeling unwell.
Lambton County Library
- Lambton County Library will expand curbside pickup to include up to 16 locations across Lambton County. With the exception of Mallroad Library (which will be reserved for curbside pickup only at this time), these same locations will also offer public computer access, wi-fi use, and in-person reference services by scheduled appointment.
- A valid library card is required for access to the library and its services, to permit ease of contact tracing.
- Library patrons will not yet be able to browse the library space for physical materials. Instead, patrons will be directed to use the curbside pickup service.
- Sarnia Library Theatre will only be made available to community organizations for digital recording and broadcast of live performances and/or practice and instructional purposes, with no audience access.
- For more information on locations, services and hours of operation, or to book an appointment, call 519-337-3291 ext. 5900 (toll free 1-866-324-6912 ext. 5900) or visit www.lclibrary.ca.
Museums & Gallery
- All visits to the museums, gallery and archives are timed entry to help with physical distancing, requiring patrons to book an appointment in advance. If visitors do not have an appointment, they will only be accommodated as space and time allow. Hours of operation are 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and extended hours Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
- Lambton Heritage Museum will reopen by timed ticket entry on Wednesday, September 2, featuring the annual Paint Ontario Exhibition & Sale in partnership with the Grand Bend Arts Centre, postponed from its original opening in March. In addition to the hours of operation noted above, the museum will also be open on Sundays from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. for the duration of Paint Ontario. For more information or to purchase an admission ticket, call 519-243-2600 or visit www.heritagemuseum.ca.
- The Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery will reopen on Friday, October 2 with timed ticket entry, featuring two new exhibitions. The gallery will feature works from Z'otz* Collective (Nahúm Flores, Erik Jerezano, Ilyana Martínez), three artists who collaborate on works that incorporate drawing, painting, collage, sculpture and site-specific installation that connect to the storytelling traditions of their Latin American culture. The gallery will also feature an exhibition of works from the permanent collection entitled Group of Seven: Their Visions Revisited 100 Years Later. For more information or to book your free admission ticket call 519-336-8127 or visit www.jnaag.ca.
- Oil Museum of Canada will allow public access by timed ticket entry starting on Wednesday, September 9. For more information or to purchase an admission ticket, call 519-834-2840 or visit www.oilmuseum.ca.
Lambton County Archives
- Lambton County Archives will allow researcher access by scheduled appointment starting Wednesday, September 9. For more information or to book a scheduled appointment call 519-845-5426 or visit www.lambtonarchives.ca.
In advance of re-opening to the public, the Cultural Service Division asks patrons to familiarize themselves with its guidelines to ensure cultural facilities remain a safe place for all visitors and staff. The full list of guidelines will be available on the library, museum, gallery and archives websites prior to reopening.
The County of Lambton asks all residents and visitors to continue respecting all public health guidelines, including regular hand hygiene, physical distancing, and staying home if feeling unwell.
HHW Collection Events
Bring your household derived hazardous waste to one of the upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Day events and it will be disposed of by experts, at no cost to you!
Household Hazardous Waste Day events will be held at Clean Harbours Canada, 4090 Telfer Road, St. Clair Township from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on the following remaining dates for the 2020 season:
- Saturday, September 12
- Saturday, September 26
- Saturday, October 17
- Saturday, October 31
Corrosive, toxic, reactive and flammable materials will be collected. These items should never be placed in a regular landfill because they have the potential to injure sanitation workers and the potential to damage our environment.
Examples of these types of materials include:
- Corrosive - Batteries, Drain Cleaners, Oven Cleaners
- Toxic - Pesticides, Rat Poison, Cleaning Fluids, Pharmaceuticals
- Reactive - Pool Chemicals, Ammonia, Bleach, Aerosols
- Flammable - Gasoline, Paints, BBQ Starter, Oils, Solvents, Propane Cylinders
Items NOT accepted include: PCBs, commercial, industrial or radioactive wastes, electronics and explosives (flares and ammunition).
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, event attendees are asked to follow physical distancing protocols, including:
- Packaging materials in disposable containers (i.e. cardboard boxes) as the containers will not be returned;
- Placing materials in the trunk or back of your vehicle to maximize distancing for event staff when collecting items; and
- Remaining in your vehicle at all times, as event staff will be removing materials from your vehicle.
For more information view the HHW Collection Event flyer, visit lambtononline.ca or call 519-845-0801.
Lambton Renovates Applications
The County of Lambton is now accepting 2020 applications for funding through the Lambton Renovates Program. For further information and to download an application, please visit lambtononline.ca/lambtonrenovates.
Access Newspapers and Magazines with PressReader
Access thousands of newspapers and magazines on the device of your choice - smartphone, tablet or laptop - with PressReader.
PressReader provides complementary access to local, national and international newspapers and popular magazines. Recently Lambton County Library made some technological changes that will allow Lambton County Library cardholders to access PressReader from home using fewer steps.
To learn more about how to use PressReader visit lclibrary.ca.
Learn online through Lambton County Library
Learn online with Lambton County Library through Lynda.com. Lynda.com is an online learning site where users can access courses that cover a variety of topics (including business, design, web development and multimedia skills) and software (Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite and open source applications) that can help users pursue personal and professional goals. These courses are delivered by expert instructors and feature searchable transcripts that make it easy to find quick answers to questions. They also feature Certificates of Completion that can be uploaded to a LinkedIn profile.
A typical, personal subscription to Lynda.com costs $34.99 / month, but Lambton County Library cardholders can access Lynda.com free of charge. Visit lclibrary.ca to learn more about the library's Lynda.com subscription.
Avoid wait lists for the latest and most popular eBooks and eAudiobooks by checking out the selection at cloudLibrary. Hundreds of titles can be accessed from your mobile device or tablet using cloudLibrary. Now is the perfect time to dive into the book you've been waiting to read.
Visit lclibrary.ca to learn more about cloudLibrary.
72 Hour Emergency Supply Kit
When was the last time your 72-Hour Emergency Supplies Kit was replenished?
When residents who have been minimally impacted by a disaster can look after themselves, it allows emergency responders and municipal officials to focus on people who have perhaps suffered significant loss.
Consider restocking your kit today and ensure you include:
- “special needs” items for any member of your household (i.e. baby formula, diapers, prescription medication etc.)
- first-aid supplies
- a change of clothing for each household member (footwear as well)
- candles and matches or lighter
- flashlight and batteries
- battery-powered radio and extra batteries
- duct tape
- non-perishable food (this should be replaced every year)
- bottled water
- toilet paper and other personal care supplies
- extra car and house keys
- extra cash (change too – for vending machines etc.) and copies of important family documents (birth certificates, passports and licenses).
Store these items in an easy-to-carry container such as a duffel bag or plastic storage bin.
Fun in the Sun Digital Panel Presentation
We all recognize that this summer is quite different from those we have experienced in the past. Learn more about how local recreation habits have changed over time by joining heritage professionals from across Lambton County as they participate in the digital panel presentation Fun in the Sun: Past Summer Recreation in Sarnia-Lambton on Thursday, August 27, 2020 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The digital panel presentation will be moderated by Erin Dee-Richard from the Oil Museum of Canada. Speakers include: Dana Thorne, Lambton Heritage Museum; Nicole Aszalos, Lambton County Archives; David McLean, Forest Museum; Kailyn Shepley, Sombra Museum; Laurie Mason, Moore Museum; and Glenn Stott, Arkona Lions Museum. The museum representatives are part of the local Heritage Sarnia-Lambton network, which connects our community museums through shared resources and reciprocal membership programs.
The presentation will take place Thursday, August 27 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. You must pre-register for the free event online through Zoom. Spaces are limited and registering well in advance is highly recommended.
If you are unable to attend the live event, the presentation will be recorded and available to view on the Lambton County Archives YouTube channel and the Heritage Sarnia-Lambton website.
Attached Photo Caption: The beach in Grand Bend in about 1920. From the Lambton Heritage Museum collection, BD.012.045.pstcrd.
Share your COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences
Lambton County Archives is looking for members of the community to share their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
You can participate by:
- Documenting and submitting your personal experiences through letters, photos, journal entries or a simple message.
- Donating materials to the Archives for preservation for future generations.
To learn more, submit your experiences or donate materials, please visit: lambtonmuseums.ca/COVID-19-online-submissions/.
Lakeshore Road Construction Update
Lakeshore Road (County Road #7) between Modeland Road and Blackwell Sideroad in the City of Sarnia is closed for reconstruction and widening. The work is expected to last into November, weather permitting. The project also includes the installation of a new watermain for the City of Sarnia along Lakeshore Road.
Detours are in place using Modeland Road, Blackwell Road and Telfer Road to access Lakeshore Road east and west.
No through traffic will be permitted for the duration of the project. Access for local residents will be maintained, but may be restricted or completely closed at times while work is progressing adjacent to their property.
Temporary traffic lights have been positioned to alleviate some traffic congestion during the closure. Motorists are advised to follow all traffic control signage and to drive in a manner that respects the health and safety of road crews.
Cyclists are also asked to use the posted detour route to avoid conflicts with the construction work taking place.
Please visit Municipal511.ca for additional road closure information.
Looking Ahead
9:30 a.m., September 2, 2020 - Lambton County Council
9 a.m. & 11 a.m., September 16, 2020 - Committee A.M. & Committee P.M.
Agendas and minutes for Committee and Council meetings are available on the online Meeting Calendar.
Open Sessions of Lambton County Council and Committee meetings are streamed live and are available for archival viewing for a period of one year by clicking on the Live Stream link below.Council & Committee Agendas, Reports & Minutes Meeting Livestreams