The February 2022 edition of This Month in Lambton includes the following news, service updates, programs and events:
- Lambton Shared Services Centre access changes
- North Lambton Lodge receives special delivery
- Fine Free!
- 211 Ontario
- Seed Sharing
- Rhythms of Lambton
- Spoken Word with Shelley Grace
- Financial Literacy with Lambton County Library
- Oil Museum re-opens after extensive renovation
- Heritage Museum hosting Virtual Talk
- Enjoy the great outdoors at Lambton Heritage Museum
- Heritage Hour: Celebrating the Women of Sarnia-Lambton
- Archives presents History of Women’s Institutes in Lambton County
Lambton Shared Services Centre access changes
The George Street entrance to the Lambton Shared Services Centre has been closed to all visitors and staff to accommodate the construction progress of the new Lambton Shared Services Centre above ground parking lot.
A new, temporary entrance to the Lambton Shared Services Centre is now available off of Vidal Street. Visitor parking is available in the parking lot off of Cromwell Street, and wayfinding signage has been posted. All visitors and staff are asked to use this entrance until further notice.
The Shared Services Centre will continue to be open with restricted access to the public during construction.
North Lambton Lodge receives special delivery
On Thursday, February 10, community members Pattie and Sandra, dropped off flowers with a card for each person living at the Lodge to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Pattie told us that “everyone should have something a little special on a day that is for Love!”
The Recreation team at the Lodge handed out the flowers and cards and were met with numerous smiles and thanks. It was a very thoughtful and generous surprise for everyone at the Lodge. Thank you Pattie and Sandra!
Fine Free!
Say good-bye to overdue fines!
Starting March 1, Lambton County Library will join hundreds of libraries across North America in removing fines on overdue materials. So visit your local library and borrow that book, movie, snowshoes or parks pass without the dread or worry of paying late fines!
While there are no fines on overdue materials, due dates will remain on items and items are still required to be returned. Any items that are not returned after 30 days past their due date will be considered lost. Fees on lost or damaged items will still apply.
211 Ontario
In large scale emergencies that have the potential to create a surge in public inquiries, Lambton County may work with 211 Ontario to field calls from the public.
When activated, calling 2-1-1 or visiting 211Ontario.ca will provide residents with the latest information about the emergency. Details may include information about relief assistance or instructions to help protect public health and safety.
Remember, when a disaster strikes, calling 9-1-1 should only be used to report emergencies or request assistance from police, fire, or emergency medical services (ambulance), not to obtain information.
Day-to-day, 211 Ontario provides public information about community and social services. Service is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year in 175 languages.
For more information about the use of 211 Ontario during emergencies, visit EmergenciesLambton.ca.
Seed Sharing
Have you always wanted to start growing your own food but didn’t want to make a big investment to get started? Lambton County Library’s Seed Library is the perfect place to start!
The Seed Library offers a variety of seeds for free that you can take home to plant, grow and harvest in your own garden. Seeds available include basil, carrot, cucumber, dill, eggplant, onion, pumpkin, spinach, tomato and more. Visit lclibrary.ca/seedlibrary for the full list of seeds.
Lambton County Library also offers a variety of programs for both kids and adults throughout the year to help you develop your green thumb. Whether it’s learning how to start gardening, how best to organize your garden or when to harvest there is something for everyone. Upcoming Seed Library programs in March include:
Tuesday, March 1 – 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. – Let’s Start Planting
Point Edward Library
Decorate a flower pot and plant seed from the Seed Library while you are guided through the basics on how to start your own garden.
Friday, March 25 – 1:00 - 1:30 p.m. – Kids’ DIY - Spring Seed Pots and Strips
Port Franks Library
Kids ages 8 – 12 can create seed pots and seed strips out of recycled paper that can be taken home to plant in their garden.
Pre-registration is required for all programs.
Rhythms of Lambton
Have you been looking for a night out? Rhythms of Lambton is the perfect way to ease back into live concerts! Lambton County Library will celebrate our rich local music culture with a series of concerts through March and April at the Sarnia Library Theatre.
After the performance, browse the History of Community Concert Bands in Lambton County exhibit located in the theatre lobby. This exhibit, provided by the Lambton Concert Band in partnership with Lambton County Archives, combines artefacts, stories and photographs of various local concert bands throughout history.
Pre-registration is required for all events.
Thursday, March 3 – 5:45 – 8:30 p.m. - One Wave and Screeched Inn
Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery
Preview the One Wave exhibit at the Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery then experience the music of Canadian Celtic rock group Screeched Inn.
Thursday, March 10 – 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Forest Excelsior Band
Sarnia Library Theatre
Listen to the Forest Excelsior Band, a 20-piece “swing” band.
Thursday, March 17 – 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. - The Man I Left Behind
Sarnia Library Theatre
Celebrate the art of storytelling, music and photography with Larry Towell and Mike Stevens with this multi-media live performance.
Thursday, March 24 – 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Relic Cover Band
Sarnia Library Theatre
Travel back to the 1960s and 70s with Relic, a cover band that performs classic rock, blues and country from this era.
Wednesday, March 30 – 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Great Lakes Secondary School
Sarnia Library Theatre
Listen along to the music of the local high school concert band, jazz band and choir from Great Lakes Secondary School.
Wednesday, April 6 – 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. – Bluewater Chordsmen
Sarnia Library Theatre
Experience the music of the all-male acapella singing group, the Bluewater Chordsmen.
Wednesday, April 20 – 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Brothers Wilde Workshop
Sarnia Library Theatre
Learn how the country rock duo, Brothers Wilde, entered the music industry and how you can too. This workshop led by Brothers Wilde will be followed by an acoustic concert.
Wednesday, April 27 – 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. – Lambton Concert Band
Sarnia Library Theatre
Celebrate the local history of concert bands with Lambton Concert Band.
Spoken Word with Shelly Grace
Spend the afternoon with National Spoken Word Champion, Shelly Grace. On Saturday, March 19 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., the North Lambton Secondary School graduate and Toronto based artist will also share how she uses her art for community building and healing with a focus of the experience of women in the Black community.
Reserve your seat at https://lclibrary.libnet.info/event/6103144.
Financial Literacy with Lambton County Library
Gain a better understanding of the Canadian tax system and the basic concepts of income tax and ways to file with Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) Outreach Officer Janika Bounma.
The 2021 tax year brings a number of improvements to CRA services. Janika will discuss the new changes for filing your 2021 taxes, explain how to claim the various COVID benefits, and outline improvements to CRA services.
Wednesday, March 2 – 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. – Taxes 101
Wednesday, March 9 - 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. - Modest Income
Wednesday, March 16 - 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. - Newcomers
Wednesday, March 23 - 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. - Scams Awareness
Wednesday, March 30 - 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. - Persons with Disabilities
Wednesday, April 6 - 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. - Getting Ready to File Your Taxes
You can also expand your overall personal finance knowledge with a library card. Learn how to manage your personal finances, get weekly tips and tricks, or learn how to track your finances using excel through LinkedIn Learning. LinkedIn Learning is an online learning site where users can access courses that cover a variety of topics and software. LinkedIn Learning is available for free to all Lambton County Library cardholders.
Oil Museum re-opens after extensive renovation
The Oil Museum of Canada is pleased to welcome back visitors after undergoing an extensive renovation. The improved facility and renewed exhibit are sure to make your visit a memorable one. Visitors will learn about this National Historic Site and our local oil history through interactive features, artifacts, and more.
Book your visit online at oilmuseum.ca.
Heritage Museum hosting Virtual Talk
Join the curatorial team from Lambton Heritage Museum on Tuesday, March 15 at 7:00 p.m. for a virtual talk in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day.
More Than Just Luck: Legacies of Irish Immigrants will explore some of the fascinating stories of Irish immigrants in Lambton County. Learn about their community contributions and take a look at unique artifacts in the Museum collection from Ireland and local Irish families. May the road rise up to meet you!
Virtual talks are free and preregistration is required. Register online today!
Enjoy the great outdoors at Lambton Heritage Museum
Be sure to enjoy winter before it's over!
Consider visiting Lambton Heritage Museum to snowshoe the Woodlands Heritage Trail. Regular museum admission prices include a snowshoe rental and there are a variety of sizes for adults and children available (must be over 60 pounds to use the equipment).
Book your time to visit online today.
Heritage Hour: Celebrating the Women of Sarnia-Lambton
Join heritage professionals from across Sarnia-Lambton on Thursday, March 10 at 7:00 p.m. as they acknowledge the incredible women in our community. Taking place two days after International Women’s Day, this Heritage Hour presentation will highlight local women that have overcome great obstacles and fulfilled great purposes.
Heritage Hour is free and preregistration is required. You can register online now.
Archives presents History of Women’s Institutes in Lambton County
Join Lambton County Library with Lambton County Archives Archivist Nicole Aszalos, as she presents History of Women’s Institutes in Lambton County on Tuesday, March 8 at 12:00 p.m.
In this presentation, Nicole will share the Tweedsmuir histories through the stories and materials from the Lambton County Archives collection and discover how they share the history of our local communities.
This presentation is free and preregistration is required. You can register online now.
Looking Ahead
9:30 a.m., Wednesday, March 2, 2022 - Lambton County Council Meeting (Budget)
9:30 a.m., Thursday, March 10, 2022 - Lambton County Council Meeting (Budget) ** If required
Agendas and minutes for Committee and Council meetings are available on the online Meeting Calendar.
Open Sessions of Lambton County Council and Committee meetings are streamed live and are available for archival viewing for a period of one year by clicking on the links below. Council & Committee Agendas, Minutes & Livestreams Upcoming Meeting Livestreams