The November edition of This Month in Lambton includes the following news, service updates, programs and events:
- Share Your Memories of 'Snowmaggedon'
- Warden's Election
- Make Art with JNAAG
- Sarnia Library Reopens for Curbside Service
- Playaway
- One Book Lambton
- Donor Recognition
- Online Learning with Museums and Archives
- Lambton Renovates and Homeownership Program
Share your memories of 'Snowmaggedon'
Lambton County residents are being asked to share their memories of the 2010 Snow Emergency, also known as 'Snowmaggedon'.
From now until December 4, you can visit LambtonArchives.ca to upload photos, videos, and written accounts of your experiences during Snowmaggedon. Contributors will also be asked a couple of brief questions to help emergency planners understand how residents plan for emergencies at home and on the road.
The Snow Emergency began December 12, 2010 and saw an estimated 1,500 people stranded along Highway 402 and area roadways in snowsquall conditions that did not subside until the morning of December 14.
Due to the significant impact of the event and the resources needed to respond, the County declared a State of Emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. The declaration supported a request by Lambton OPP that saw the deployment of the Canadian military to undertake rescue flights.
In addition, the Watford Snowmobile Club and local bus companies provided transportation to stranded motorists and passengers, many of whom lacked the proper food, water, clothing, and medications to remain in their vehicles.
In total, all of those stranded were found to be safe. Over 700 rescued passengers were recorded as being housed at one of 10 emergency shelters set up in Thedford, Forest, Watford, Warwick Village, Alvinston, Wyoming (2), and Petrolia. It was estimated that a similar number of passengers and motorists were provided food and shelter by Lambton County residents.
Emergencies can occur at any time. Residents can prepare in advance by assembling a 72-Hour Supplies Kit that allows their households to be self-sufficient for up to three days following the onset of an event, freeing up emergency responders to prioritize the most urgent of matters. For details on what to include in your kit, and for more information on preparing for winter travel emergencies, visit EmergenciesLambton.ca.
Warden's Election
The election for Lambton County Warden and Deputy Warden is taking place on Wednesday, December 2, 2020.
County Council elects a Warden and Deputy Warden from amongst the Councillors every two years in December. The Warden chairs County Council meetings and represents the County at a wide range of functions and activities.
The meeting and election will be held virtually. You can view the meeting agenda and link to the meeting livestream through the online meeting calendar. The agenda will be available after 2 p.m. on Friday, November 27, 2020.
Make Art with JNAAG
This December, make art with JNAAG!
JNAAG is releasing Make Art Kits that will be distributed through Lambton County Library contactless curbside pickup. Each Make Art Kit contains essential fine art materials from the JNAAG art studio for two people to participate (plus a list of suggested materials you might have around the house). To inspire you, each kit will also include an image from our permanent collection or current exhibitions for you to explore and learn more. You can follow along with the included directions or with our instruction videos on our website, Facebook or YouTube.
The theme for December is Think Big Draw Big: Mixed Media Drawing.
Make a date with someone in your bubble and explore drawing randomly and intuitively, together. This time we are inspired by the mural created by Z’otz* Collective on the third floor of the gallery. Use a mixture of drawing materials to add to one another’s drawings—or even draw over one. Play with symbols, pattern and shapes. See what magic happens when you share in creativity. This Make Art Kit will be filled with big pages of paper, some conventional drawing materials and some items to help you complete your drawing that might surprise you.
Become a member or sign up for our eNews at jnaag.ca to be the first to receive notification.
Sarnia Library Reopens for Curbside Service
Lambton County Library has expanded its contactless curbside pickup service to Sarnia Library making it the sixteenth location to offer this service. Sarnia Library’s curbside pickup service is available Monday to Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Sunday 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. To reserve materials and use contactless curbside pickup at Sarnia Library, cardholders can:
- Use the library’s catalogue at lclibrary.ca or the Iguana Library Mobile App;
- Call one of the 16 participating locations to reserve a specific title; or
- Use the Lambton County Library Readers’ Advisory Service to have library employees choose items based on the cardholder’s preferences. Cardholders can access this service by filling out the form found at lclibrary.ca/curbside-pickup or calling 519-337-3291 or 1-866-324-6912 from Monday to Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Sunday, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
In addition, the Sarnia Library Theatre is once again available for rental for digital recordings, broadcast of live performances, and / or practice and instructional purposes, during operating hours only, and with no audience access. The newly renovated theatre includes a new accessible entrance, expanded lobby, barrier free washrooms, accessible seating, LED lighting, updated servery, updated flooring and new curtains on the theatre stage. To reserve the theatre call 519-337-3291 ex. 5900 or email Sarnia Theatre Room Bookings.
Screen time that equals learning for kids? YES! Give kids the freedom to explore a world of learning with apps, videos, storybooks, games and more on a tablet they don’t have to share! Just for kids. 100% secure. No internet needed.
Borrow a Playaway Launchpad today through Lambton County Library!
One Book Lambton
One Book Lambton is back with an all new book for 2020-2021. Lambton County Library, in partnership with The Book Keeper, is excited to announce the selection for 2020-2021 is Every Step She Takes by K.L. Armstrong.
Every Step She Takes follows Genevieve, who lives a simple life in Rome until she is sent a package that begins to unravel scandals from her past. As Genevieve tries to make amends with what happened ten years ago she is caught up in another deadly scandal.
K.L. Armstrong is a #1 New York Times bestselling author from Sudbury, Ontario who also goes by the name Kelley Armstrong. Kelley Armstrong believes experience is the best teacher. To craft her books, she has studied aikido, archery and fencing. Past works include the Otherworld urban fantasy series, the Darkest Powers & Darkness Rising teen paranormal trilogies, the Age of Legends fantasy YA series and the Nadia Stafford crime trilogy. Armstrong still lives in Ontario, Canada with her family.
The goal of One Book Lambton is to unite people from around Lambton County through one book. People are encouraged to read the same designated book and engage in various activities throughout the winter and spring to highlight the themes in the designated book.
Reserve your copy Every Step She Takes today through lclibrary.ca and follow us at onebooklambton.ca and @LCLibraryca on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date on announcements and activities planned for One Book Lambton.
Donor recognition
Approximately 1,500 donors give annually to enhance a wide array of County programs and services, making the County of Lambton a better place for residents and visitors alike. This year, in lieu of an in-person recognition ceremony, the Warden sent individual thank you messages to some of our very generous donors. To learn more about these donations and to see the messages, visit lambtononline.ca/donors.
Online Learning with Museums and Archives
A key aspect of the Lambton County Museums & Archives Mandate is to provide educational opportunities for local schools, organizations and the general public. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Museums & Archives have temporarily suspended in-person programming. In order to continue to meet their educational mandate, the Oil Museum of Canada, Lambton Heritage Museum and Lambton County Archives are excited to announce the launch of their new online learning resources.
The Oil Museum, Heritage Museum and Archives have developed free curriculum-linked lessons for students in grades 2 through 10 covering a variety of topics. Links to these lessons can be found at lambtonmuseums.ca/online-learning. In addition to the lessons, the page also includes virtual tours, links to local history blogs and webinars, and information on other resources offered through the Museum.
Additional lessons and materials will be added as they become available. Users can subscribe to the page to receive notifications when new content is available for use.
Lambton Renovates and Homeownership Program
The County of Lambton is continuing to accept applications for the Lambton Renovates and Homeownership Down-Payment Assistance programs.
The Lambton Renovates and Homeownership Down-Payment Assistance programs offer a unique funding opportunity to eligible Lambton County residents. The Lambton Renovates program provides one-time financial assistance for home repairs, and the Homeownership Down-Payment program offers one-time financial assistance in the form of a 20-year forgivable loan for a 10% down payment to be used towards the purchase of a new or resale home.
Applications can be downloaded at lambtononline.ca/lambtonrenovates and lambtononline.ca/homeownership. Interested applicants can also call the Housing Services Department at 519-344-2062 to request a paper application by mail.
Applicants for these programs must meet a number of qualifications related to residency, income, asset level and home value, which are listed in the Lambton Renovates Information Sheet and the Homeownership Down Payment Assistance Information Sheet. Applicants are asked to review these information sheets prior to completing their application.
Looking Ahead
9:30 a.m., November 25, 2020 - Lambton County Council
9:30 a.m., December 2, 2020 - Lambton County Council
9 a.m. & 11 a.m., January 20, 2021 - Committee A.M. & Committee P.M.
Agendas and minutes for Committee and Council meetings are available on the online Meeting Calendar.
Open Sessions of Lambton County Council and Committee meetings are streamed live and are available for archival viewing for a period of one year by clicking on the Live Stream link below. Council & Committee Agendas, Reports & Minutes Meeting Livestreams