The September edition of This Month in Lambton includes the following news, service updates, programs and events:
- Lambton County Library expands its services
- Share your COVID-19 pandemic experiences
- Learn online through Lambton County Library
- Lambton Circles thanks the Sarnia Community Foundation
- Lambton Shared Services Centre - North underground entrance closed
- Court Services Department reopens to public
- Paint Ontario
- HHW Collection Events
- Lambton Renovates applications
- Cyber-attacks - what are they?
- Lakeshore Road construction update
Lambton County Library expands its services
Lambton County Library has expanded its services under Stage 2 and 3 of the provincial framework for reopening. The Library now offers two additional curbside pickup locations and limited access to public computers, wireless internet access and space for academic study by scheduled appointment at selected libraries.
Brigden Library and Grand Bend Library have joined the 13 other library locations already offering contactless curbside pickup. These locations include Alvinston, Bright's Grove, Corunna, Florence, Forest, Mallroad, Oil Springs, Petrolia, Point Edward, Sombra, Thedford, Watford and Wyoming.
These same libraries, excluding Mallroad, are also offering scheduled appointments for public computer use, wi-fi use, and space for academic research / study. Appointments will start on the hour and be limited to 45 minutes to allow for sufficient time in between appointments to sanitize and clean the space for the next user.
Cardholders can book an appointment:
- Online by visiting the website at lclibrary.ca/appointments; or by
- Telephone at 519-337-3291 ext. 5900 or toll free at 1-866-324-6912 ext. 5900
These services will be available to anyone with a valid Lambton County Library card. To become a Lambton County Library cardholder, call 519-845-3324 ext. 5266 / 1-866-324-6912 ext. 5266 or email Library Tech Help.
Share your COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences
Lambton County Archives is looking for members of the community to share their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
You can participate by:
- Documenting and submitting your personal experiences through letters, photos, journal entries or a simple message.
- Donating materials to the Archives for preservation for future generations.
To learn more, submit your experiences or donate materials, please visit: lambtonmuseums.ca/COVID-19-online-submissions/.
Learn online through Lambton County Library
Learn online with Lambton County Library through Lynda.com. Lynda.com is an online learning site where users can access courses that cover a variety of topics (including business, design, web development and multimedia skills) and software (Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite and open source applications) that can help users pursue personal and professional goals. These courses are delivered by expert instructors and feature searchable transcripts that make it easy to find quick answers to questions. They also feature Certificates of Completion that can be uploaded to a LinkedIn profile.
A typical, personal subscription to Lynda.com costs $34.99 / month, but Lambton County Library cardholders can access Lynda.com free of charge. Visit lclibrary.ca to learn more about the library's Lynda.com subscription.
Lambton Circles thanks the Sarnia Community Foundation
Lambton Circles would like to express their thanks and sincere appreciation for the incredible financial support received from the Sarnia Community Foundation donors. This investment will enable us to continue to provide support and make a positive impact in the lives of our Circles families, especially during this very difficult pandemic. To find out more about Lambton Circles, please visit lambtoncircles.com.
Left to right - Kim Godin, Lambton Circles Coordinator and Jane Anema, Executive Director Sarnia Community Foundation.
Lambton Shared Services Centre - North Underground Entrance Closed
The underground entrance at the north end of the Lambton Shared Services Centre parking garage is closed to accommodate ongoing renovations of the facility. It is anticipated the entrance will remain closed until approximately mid-December.
When accessing the facility from the underground parking garage, staff and visitors will be required to use one of the available alternate entrances:
- Clock Tower Entrance - Located in the middle of the parking garage. Only stairs are available at this entrance.
- Administration Entrance - Located at the southwest end of the parking garage. Only elevator access to first floor available at this entrance.
All other entrances on the first and second floor of the facility remain open at this time.
Please note that during the closure of the north underground entrance, the entrance from George Street will be available for public access to the facility. This ground level entrance is fully accessible, close to accessible parking and is closer to the main entrance of the Lambton Shared Services Centre than the accessible Administration Entrance in the parking garage.
Additional updates will be provided as construction progresses.
Court Services Department Reopens to Public
The Court Services Department has reopened to the public with limited hours. You will be able to pay tickets, request an extension or a trial in person from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, at the Court Services Department, located in the Lambton Shared Services Centre at 150 Christina Street North, Sarnia.
While the office has reopened to the public, visitors are asked to consider using the drop box located by the Christina Street/Lochiel Street entrance or online services whenever possible to limit in-person interactions.
All visitors will be actively screened for COVID-19 prior to entering the Court Services Department. Visitors are also reminded that all persons entering or remaining in the Lambton Shared Services Centre must wear a mask or face covering which covers the nose, mouth and chin as required under City of Sarnia By-Law No 76 of 2020.
All in-person court proceedings scheduled between March 16 and October 16, 2020 remain adjourned to a future date. If you have a proceeding scheduled during this time, do not attend court in person. A notice of the new court date will be sent to you by mail.
Beginning September 28, 2020, the County of Lambton Provincial Offences Court will hear non-trial proceedings remotely by audio conferencing. These non-trial proceedings include guilty pleas, withdrawals, first appearances and adjournments.
All limitation periods under the Provincial Offences Act have been suspended from March 16 to December 1, 2020.
For more information, please visit lambtononline.ca/courtservices or contact us by phone (519-344-8880) or email Court Services.
Paint Ontario
The Paint Ontario Show and Sale is taking place at the Lambton Heritage Museum until Sunday, September 27.
The Paint Ontario show, which usually takes place in the spring, was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The teams at Lambton Heritage Museum and the Grand Bend Art Centre are excited to be able to once again host the show this month.
The Museum is open Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., and Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. until 8:30 p.m.
A variety of artist demonstrations will be taking place outdoors at the Museum throughout the exhibit. Please visit paintontario.com or the Lambton Heritage Museum Facebook page for more information on these demonstrations.
To allow for proper physical distancing, the Museum is enforcing reduced building capacity levels, including the main exhibition building and all historic/outbuildings, and implementing timed-ticket entry. Visitors are required to book their appointment in advance. If visitors do not have an appointment, they will only be accommodated as space and time allow. You can book your visit online at heritagemuseum.ca or by calling 519-243-2600.
All visitors are asked to monitor for symptoms prior to their visit, and to re-book their entry if they are feeling unwell. Additionally, visitors are asked to follow all health and safety measures in place and must wear a face covering or non-medical mask (unless exempted as outlined in the By-Law) to comply with the Municipality of Lambton Shores mandatory masking By-Law.
HHW Collection Events
Bring your household derived hazardous waste to one of the upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Day events and it will be disposed of by experts, at no cost to you!
Household Hazardous Waste Day events will be held at Clean Harbours Canada, 4090 Telfer Road, St. Clair Township from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on the following remaining dates for the 2020 season:
- Saturday, September 26
- Saturday, October 17
- Saturday, October 31
Corrosive, toxic, reactive and flammable materials will be collected. These items should never be placed in a regular landfill because they have the potential to injure sanitation workers and the potential to damage our environment.
Examples of these types of materials include:
- Corrosive - Batteries, Drain Cleaners, Oven Cleaners
- Toxic - Pesticides, Rat Poison, Cleaning Fluids, Pharmaceuticals
- Reactive - Pool Chemicals, Ammonia, Bleach, Aerosols
- Flammable - Gasoline, Paints, BBQ Starter, Oils, Solvents, Propane Cylinders
Items NOT accepted include: PCBs, commercial, industrial or radioactive wastes, electronics and explosives (flares and ammunition).
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, event attendees are asked to follow physical distancing protocols, including:
- Packaging materials in disposable containers (i.e. cardboard boxes) as the containers will not be returned;
- Placing materials in the trunk or back of your vehicle to maximize distancing for event staff when collecting items; and
- Remaining in your vehicle at all times, as event staff will be removing materials from your vehicle.
For more information visit lambtononline.ca or call 519-845-0801.
View the HHW Collection Event Poster
Lambton Renovates Applications
The County of Lambton is now accepting 2020 applications for funding through the Lambton Renovates Program. For further information and to download an application, please visit lambtononline.ca/lambtonrenovates.
Cyber-attacks - What are they?
Cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly common across both the public and private sectors. Cyber criminals use unauthorized access or malicious code to alter computer code, logic or data.
Cyber-attacks can also include the deployment of "ransomware" where the end goal is not usually to expose personal information but rather to block access to certain operations or servers, which are held hostage for a ransom.
In the last several years, many organizations - public and private sector - have taken significant steps to strengthen and harden their networks and other digital assets. Despite these wide-reaching efforts, some organizations may still fall victim to a ransomware attack.
When this occurs in a municipality, staff may encounter difficulties accessing and providing information you have requested, administering reservations and bookings, accepting and providing payments, and communicating electronically.
During these incidents, residents should be prepared to speak with municipal staff by phone, expect longer processing times, and follow up on expected payments.
Lakeshore Road Construction Update
Lakeshore Road (County Road #7) between Modeland Road and Blackwell Sideroad in the City of Sarnia is closed for reconstruction and widening. The work is expected to last into November, weather permitting. The project also includes the installation of a new watermain for the City of Sarnia along Lakeshore Road.
Detours are in place using Modeland Road, Blackwell Road and Telfer Road to access Lakeshore Road east and west.
No through traffic will be permitted for the duration of the project. Access for local residents will be maintained, but may be restricted or completely closed at times while work is progressing adjacent to their property.
Temporary traffic lights have been positioned to alleviate some traffic congestion during the closure. Motorists are advised to follow all traffic control signage and to drive in a manner that respects the health and safety of road crews.
Cyclists are also asked to use the posted detour route to avoid conflicts with the construction work taking place.
Please visit Municipal511.ca for additional road closure information.
Looking Ahead
9:30 a.m., October 7, 2020 - Lambton County Council
9 a.m. & 11 a.m., October 21, 2020 - Committee A.M. & Committee P.M.
Agendas and minutes for Committee and Council meetings are available on the online Meeting Calendar.
Open Sessions of Lambton County Council and Committee meetings are streamed live and are available for archival viewing for a period of one year by clicking on the Live Stream link below.Council & Committee Agendas, Reports & Minutes Meeting Livestreams