Thomas Fisher
Provisional Warden, 1852.
Born in the County of Northumberland, England, in 1797, of an Old Country family. Educated at Cambridge University and studied for the Church. He and three other classmates were caught playing cards and were expelled. As a result the four boys enlisted in the Service. After serving in the armed forces, during which time they fought in the battle of Waterloo in 1815, he was ordered to Canada about 1830 with his regiment. After his army days Thomas Fisher got a grant of land in the Township of Moore, where he settled in 1832, as a farmer and merchant. He fought in the Rebellion of 1837 and was appointed Colonel. He married in 1838, and died July 1853 and was buried in Sutherland Cemetery. His age was 56.

Henry Glass
Provisional Warden, January to June 1853. Warden 1854.
Born in Scotland in the year 1799. He was elected P.W. January 1853, but unseated and his successor as Reeve of Sarnia Township, Archibald Young, was elected P.W. and afterwards Warden. October 3rd, 1853, was appointed Registrar and held this office until death, February 11th, 1866. Mayor of the City of Sarnia in 1858. Was 67 years old when he died. Buried in Lakeview Cemetery Sarnia.

Archibald Young
Provisional Warden, June to September, 1853. Warden, September to December, 1853, 1860.
Born in Scotland, January 6th, 1806. He had a sawmill and was a general merchant. When a child he came to Canada with his parents, lived in Sarnia Township until moving to Manitoba. Died May 1st, 1881, at Selkirk, Manitoba, and was buried there. He was 75 years of age.

Alfred P. Toulmin
Warden, 1855.
Born in England, November, 1811. Came to Canada early in life. He was a school teacher and storekeeper at Erroll for a number of years. Came to Sombra to farm on the St. Clair River site about a mile above the village. Justice of the Peace for many years. Moved to Detroit, Michigan, some years before his death. Became a vessel owner and a wealthy man. Died March 18th, 1897. Age 86 years. Buried in Elmwod Cemetery, Detroit.

William Penrose Vidal
Warden, 1856.
Born March 17th, 1824, at Bracknell, England. Barrister at law. Third son of Commander Richard Emerick Vidal, R.N. Came to Canada in 1834. Educated at Upper Canada College, entering a few days after his arrival from England. Called to the Bar 1845. Practiced at Sandwich, and at Sarnia, where he died on November 5th, 1878, and buried there. Age 55 years.

John Fisher
Warden, 1857.
Born in Scotland in 1800. Came to Canada in 1832. Lived in Quebec two years, then located on Lot 14, Concession 8, Plympton Township of which he was the first Reeve. Was a farmer and one of the organizers of the Lambton Agricultural Society. Magistrate for many years. Died in 1877 and buried in Camlachie Cemetery. Aged 77 years.

William McPherson
Warden, 1858.
Born in England, October 29th, 1821. Was a manufacturer. Captain and Adjutant of the 3rd Battalion, Lambton Militia. Died on June 6th, 1865. Age 44 years, and was buried in the Sutherland Cemetery, Moore Township, but re-interred in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. His brother George was Warden in 1866.

Colonel Robert Campbell
Warden, 1859. Warden, 1880.
Born in Ireland in 1815. Arrived in Warwick Township in 1830. Member of the District Council which was then composed of the County of Kent and Essex, in 1847. Member of the County Council 33 years. Took an active part in the Rebellion of 1837 and in the Fenian Raid of 1866. Reeve of Watford in 1881 and died there on February 12, 1883. Age 68 years. Buried in Warwick Cemetery.