Charles McLean
Warden, 1912.
Born in Quebec 1848. Contractor and Builder. Six years Councillor. Four years Reeve. Two years Mayor of Forest. Came there in 1870 and was a resident until he died. Erected many public buildings. The Dominion Canners, the Public School, etc. Died at Forest, February 22nd, 1914, and was buried there.

John Henry Anderson
Warden, 1913.
Born in Moore Township, February 20th, 1864. Reeve of Oil Springs 1906-1915. Justice of the Peace for many years. Director of the Industrial Mortgage and Savings Company. Vice President of Oil Springs Oil and Gas Company. 86 years of age and is still hale and hearty.

Charles Oliver Fairbank
Warden, 1914.
Oil operator and producer. Born July 21, 1858, at Niagara Falls. In the First World War he commanded London Field Batter. Junior Major, 70th Battalion, C.E.F, August 27, 1915, with which he went overseas, April 24, 1916. When Battalion broke up in England he went to the front as Lieutenant in 18th Battalion and was in the trenches at Ypres, and subsequently at the Somme. He graduated in 1891 as M.D College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. He was the son of the late J.H Fairbank, M.P for East Lambton 1882-1887. Returned to Canada in 1916 and lived in the Town of Petrolia until his death.

James S. McLean
Warden, 1915.
Born in Scotland, June 8th, 1865. Came to Canada in 1872 and resided in Plympton, near Camlachie. In 1883 went mining in the States of Colorado and Washington and afterwards lumbering in the Province of British Colombia. Since his return to Plympton Township has been engaged in farming and shipping livestock. Entered the County Council as Reeve of the Township of Plympton in 1911, and resigned the first part of 1916.

John B. Woodhall
Warden, 1917.
Born in the Township of Lobo, Middlesex County, August 10th, 1871. Came to Thedford with parents in 1879. Served for several years on the School Board. Member of the Village Council in 1901 to 1920. Was elected by acclamation for ten years during his term on Thedford Council. Furniture dealer, undertaker. Appointed County Treasurer in January 1920 and died in December 1920.

John Alexander Huey
Warden, 1919.
Born in the Township of Chatham in the County of Kent in the year 1882. Came to Sombra Township in 1887, following the occupation of farmer. Married in 1908. Member of Township Council since 1911. Of Irish descent. In religion a member of the United Church. In politics, a Conservative. The youngest man ever to be elected to the Wardenship of the County of Lambton.