Local municipalities handle minor variance applications directly. Contact your municipality directly for more information or an application.
Do I need a minor variance?
You need to apply for a minor variance if a proposed change to your property does not conform exactly to the Zoning By-Law, but follows with the general intent.
A minor variance provides specific relief from the requirements of the Zoning By-Law such as a reduced setback or increase in height. A minor variance does not change a Zoning By-Law, it simply excuses the property owner from specific requirements of the By-Law and allows a building permit to be obtained.
Anyone who disagrees with a decision of the local Committee of Adjustment has 20 days to appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). The OMB can allow or dismiss your appeal, or amend the application in any way it sees fit. The OMB has the power to dismiss your appeal without holding a hearing.