"Being a part of Circles Lambton literally has changed my life. It gave me a sense of belonging, being a part of the community, being able to make relationships and having support to move forward with my education, finances and myself. I can honestly say I wouldn't be where I am today without Circles being in my life." Rene, Circles Lambton Leader
"When I joined Circles I felt trapped in life. I had big dreams and goals and knew what I needed to do to achieve them but had constant road blocks in my path, systemic barriers and consequences of poor choices earlier in life. I wanted to go back to school and achieve a career. Through Circles I have gained a family more supportive than I could ever have imagined. Every time a new challenge arises that I do not know how to conquer, I know I don't have to go at it alone and I have the love and support to problem solve with my ally, Circles Coaches and fellow leaders how to work through it. Circles reminds me we only fail when we give up and stop trying and every time the fires inside me dims I have my Circles family there pushing me forward and keep the flame burning until it could burn so bright and strong again. With the support of Circles my dreams and goals are not only attainable but the sky is the limit! I learned I am a valuable person and deserve love and success and to work hard for a better life. Circles will hold a place in my heart forever." Natasha, Circles Lambton Leader
"I was not prepared to learn all that I did that evening. It really put a whole new perspective on poverty especially generational poverty for me. We as members of the SSVP like to think we deal compassionately with our clients but I am sure there are times we feel it is beyond our understanding what is really going on in some of these households we service. I think sometimes it is time for fresh eyes and understanding and that is certainly what your presentation did for me….."
"I had the pleasure of participating in your presentation provided through Lambton College and I have to say that it was a life altering session for me. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a middle class family and regret to admit that I ignorantly believed several of the “stereotypes” that were discussed regarding generational poverty. What an amazing perspective this information puts on their life and the barriers that they face. I am very excited that Lambton County has adopted these concepts and ideas and I would like to take this opportunity to commend you on bringing this forward. I am sure as with any new idea or concept it has not been without persistence to get it to the place where it is. As a mother now raising my own small children in a middle class family it brings a new perspective to me as to what is “valuable” not in terms of monetary items but what my education and background provides to them…." Instructor, Lambton College
"As an individual growing up in generational poverty I am letting you know that being in attendance of the “Bridges out of Poverty” workshop has opened my eyes to the “other side” being the middle class side. I understand how frustrating it can be for front line workers of middle class to deal with those of generational poverty. What you are doing is giving back to “us” – not speaking directly from a First Nations point but non-natives alike – an identity that has been long [over- shadowed by] poverty and all the dysfunctions that come right along with it. To clarify my meaning; the understanding that those of front lines will acquire by taking this workshop is immeasurable, as workers begin the application of understanding to those frustrated, hurt, lost, unconfident, and minority. WOW! I once again thank you for taking the time to understand and the strength to deliver to those in “suits”…." First Nations Liaison Worker