County Council approved the current County of Lambton Emergency Response Plan on February 7, 2024, under By-law 2 of 2024.
Anyone requiring a copy of the Plan in a special format for accessibility may contact the County at 519-845-0801 or 1-866-324-6912. You may also make a request by email.
The Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act provides municipalities and their staff the authority to respond to a local disaster or crisis. If it is deemed necessary to undertake extraordinary measures or obtain additional resources to respond, the Head of Council also has authority under the Act to declare an emergency.
An emergency is defined in the Act as “a situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property and that is caused by the forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident or an act whether intentional or otherwise”.
The Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act also requires that municipalities prepare an Emergency Response Plan approved by By-law, and make it available to the public.
Every municipality is required to meet the requirements of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act annually. The County of Lambton first met the Essential Level of preparedness on December 31, 2004, as required by Ontario Regulation 380/04, and continues to develop its emergency management program.
A key component of the County's emergency management program is fostering public awareness of local hazards and risks, and how citizens can prepare to respond to emergencies related to those risks.